cid2dot - Service

Author: Michael Höhl
Modified by Bernd Sieker
Last modified 01 July 2001

Submit a textual CID-Graph and receive its PostScript version

To use cid2dot-Service you have to follow these steps:
  1. Either you already have a textual CID-Graph or you may download an example of the textual CID-Graphs below by clicking on the name while holding the SHIFT key pressed, and save it on your computer / file system.
    1. Example
  1. Enter the complete pathname of the textual CID-Graph you want to submit into the text field just right of the text saying "Textual CID-Graph:" or click on the button reading "Browse..." and select the appropriate file.
  2. Adjust the options to your likings.
  3. Press the button labelled "Submit". You may have to wait a while before you see the results. Your file will be transferred to our system, so cid2dot-Service can process it. There it gets stored under "cgiNUMBER-NAME" where NUMBER is a unique Process-ID to avoid name conflicts and NAME is the original name of your file. This implies you get a different name when you submit the same file a second time. To inform you about errors that occurred while cid2dot was parsing your file, its output is displayed. After a succesful run, a link appears giving you the possibility to download and save the resulting PostScript CID-Graph. Its name will start with "final-cgiNUMBER". All temporary files get automatically deleted. When you download the resulting graph it will be deleted, too.
Please consult the cid2dot manual for a comprehensive description of its abilities and options and to get an impression of what cid2dot is capable of. Motto: Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.
Textual CID-Graph:
You may choose from the following options:
Graph Direction:

Comments, bug reports and suggestions for enhancements are welcome.
Bernd Sieker, 1998-04-02