Textual WB-Graph

______ Project: Cali08.final

________ Date: Nov 7, 1997
________ User: Loer, K.
________ Terminal: draupadi.rvs

	WHY     BECAUSE                 DESCRIPTION
	[1]                     AC impacts mountain
	   /\ <-.1>             GPWS manoeuvre failed: since [1.1.1]
	   /\ <[-.2]>           AC in mountainous terrain: since []

	  <1.1> /\ [-.1]        GPWS manoeuvre initiated 
	        /\ <-.2>        AC did not exhibit optimal climb performance
	        /\ [-.3]        AC very close to mountains @ [1.1.1]
	    [1.1.1] [-.1]       GPWS warning sounds
	      [] [-.1]   AC dangerously close to terrain
	        [] /\ []
	                    /\ []
	                    /\ <>
	    <1.1.2> /\ <-.1>    AC speedbrakes are extended: since []
	            /\ <-.2>    AC performs non-optimal pitch manoeuvre
	      <> /\ <-.1>  CRW didn't retract speedbrakes according to procedure
	                                                                (Action failure)
	                /\ []
	        <> <-.1> CRW unaware of extended speedbrakes   (Awareness failure)
	          <> <-.1> CD displays speedbrakes-extended 
	      <> <-.1>   PF doesn't hold optimal steady pitch attitude   
	                                                                (Action failure)
	    <1.1.3> /\ <1.2.1>
	            /\ <1.2.2>
	  <1.2> /\ <-.1>        AC on wrong course/position (2D-planar): since []
	        /\ <-.2>        AC flying too low for cleared airspace (3rdD): since []
	    <1.2.1> /\ [-.1] CRW turned to "inbound heading" at []
	                                                                (Decision Failure: 
	                                                                Reasoning Failure)
	            /\ <-.2> CRW without situational awareness: since []
	                                                                (Perception Failure)
	            /\ [-.3] AC arrived at (false) Position B: end of left turn
	      <> /\ <-.1> CRW unfamiliar with ROZO One Arrival and Rwy 19 Approach
	                /\ <-.2> CRW high workload
	                /\ <-.3> CRW used procedural shortcuts
	                /\ [-.4] CRW request for confirmation of false clearance 
	                                                        twice confirmed by ATC
	                /\ [-.5] FMC erases intermediate waypoints @ []
	        <> /\ <-.1> CRW must expedite arrival
	                    /\ <-.2> lack of external visual reference
	                    /\ <>
	          <> /\ <-.1> lack of time for executing arrival procedure
	                        /\ []
	          <> /\ <-.1> arrival takes place at night
	                        /\ <-.2> few lighted areas on ground
	        [] [-.1] ATC misuse of Aviation English
	          [] /\ [-.1] discourse under cultural dependencies
	                        /\ <-.2> ATC lack of fluency in English
	                        /\ <-.3> ATC lack of knowledge of AC position
	            <> <-.1> Colombian ATC Use-of-English 
	            <> <-.1> no ATC radar coverage
	        [] /\ <-.1> FMC design
	                    /\ []
	      [] /\ <[-.1]>      AC left turn from true course for 90 seconds: 
	                                                                since []
	                /\ <-.2>        CRW didn't notice left turn: 
	                                                        since []; until []
	        <[]> /\ [-.1]  PNF gives 'R' to FMC
	                      /\ <-.2>  FMC-database uses `R' to denote ROMEO
	                      /\ <-.3>  CRW didn't realize <>: since [] 
	                                                                (Perception Failure)
	                      /\ <-.4>  PNF didn't correctly verify FMS-entry: since [] 
	                                                                (Action Failure)
	          [] /\ <-.1>        CRW believes 'R' denotes 'ROZO' in FMC 
	                                                                (Awareness Failure)
	                        /\ [-.2]        CRW decides to fly direct 'ROZO' 
	            <> <-.1> ID `R' and FREQ for ROZO on the approach plate correspond
	                                                        with an FMC database entry
	                            <-.2> ID/FREQ combination usually suffice to identify
	                                                        uniquely an NDB within range
	              <> <> ARINC 424 Specification
	            <> <> CRW unfamiliar with ROZO One Arrival 
	                                                        and Rwy 19 Approach
	          <> /\ <-.1> ARINC 424 Specification
	                        /\ <-.2> Jeppesen FMC-database design
	          <> /\ <-.1> FMC-displayed ID and FREQ valid for ROZO
	                        /\ <-.2> CRW didn't perceive FMC-displayed Lat/Long 
	                                                                (Awareness Failure)
	            <> <-.1>  ROZO and ROMEO have same ID `R' and FREQ
	              <> <-.1> Colombian government decision
	            <> /\ <-.1> FMC display figures small
	                            /\ <-.2> CRW not trained to check Lat/Long
	                            /\ <>
	          <> /\ <> 
	                        /\ <> 
	    <1.2.2>     /\ [-.1]        AC starts expedited descent from FL230
	                /\ <-.2>        AC expedited-descent continuous: until [1.1.1]
	      []  [-.1]          CRW decision to accept Rwy 19 Approach 
	      <> /\ [-.1]        CRW extends speedbrakes 
	                /\ <-.2>        CRW failed to arrest descent: until [1.1.1]
	                                                                (Action Failure)
	        <> <> CRW without situational awareness: since []


        AC      Aircraft
        ARINC   ARINC, Inc.
        ATC     Air Traffic Control
        CD      Cockpit Display
        Course  Two-dimensional straight-line ground track
        CRW     Crew
        FLxyz   Flight Level xyz = Altitude at which altimeter reads 
                                   xyz00ft @ barometric setting 29.92"=1013hPa
        FMC     Flight Management Computer
        FREQ    (Navaid) radio Frequency
        GPWS    Ground Proximity Warning System
        Heading Magnetic compass direction along which course is flown
        ID      (Navaid) Identifier (sequence of symbols)
        Jeppesen        Jeppesen-Sanderson, Inc.
        Lat/Long        Latitude and Longitude Values
        Navaid  Navigation Aid (radio beacon)
        NDB     Non-Directional Beacon (a navaid)
        PF      Pilot Flying
        PNF     Pilot Not Flying
        ROMEO   NDB near Bogota
        ROZO    NDB near Cali
        Rwy xy  Runway with heading xy0 degrees magnetic (to nearest 10 degrees)